Homemade Slime Recipe
Slime, slimey slimey. This stuff is so fun to make with the kids! You can make your own colors for festive seasons. It is a great craft to make for a school party too. Homemade Slime Ingredients 4 oz Bottle, White Liquid Craft Glue 1 1/2 cups, Warm Water 1 TBS, Borax Gel Food Coloring…
Slime, slimey slimey. This stuff is so fun to make with the kids! You can make your own colors for festive seasons. It is a great craft to make for a school party too.
Homemade Slime Ingredients
- 4 oz Bottle, White Liquid Craft Glue
- 1 1/2 cups, Warm Water
- 1 TBS, Borax
- Gel Food Coloring (any colors you like)
Homemade Slime Directions
- Pour your glue into a glass mixing bowl.
- Now add in 1/2 cup of your warm water and mix well.
- Mix your borax in with 1 cup of warm water in a separate cup/bowl until mostly dissolved.
- Divide your glue mix into two separate bowls if you want two different colors.
- Add a drop of food coloring to each and mix well.
- Now pour 1/2 cup of your borax water into each bowl (discard the borax that didn't fully dissolve) and mix well with a Popsicle stick or plastic fork.
- Pour the remaining water out and work together with your hands.
- Store in a mason jar.
You will definitely want to supervise the kiddos while they are playing with this. It may look fun to eat but it should NOT be ingested. It also is a bear to get out of carpet. Unfortunately, I know that first hand… 🙂

Use our long handle measuring spoons to measure this recipe.